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When my hair is thin and silvered, an' my time of toil is through, When I've many years behind me, an' ahead of me a few, I shall want to sit, I reckon, sort o...
When you can't get her out of your head, young man, And you hate what you have to do; And you shirk every task that you find you can, And the others you hurry...
I don't mind the man with a red blooded kick At a real or a fancied wrong; I can stand for the chap with a grouch, if he's quick To drop it when joy comes along...
I must get out to the woods again, to the whispering tree, and the birds a-wing, Away from the haunts of pale-faced men, to the spaces wide where strength is ki...
HE died a poor man, so they say, Few were the dollars stored away By him while he lived, and yet His memory I'll not forget. A spendthrift! True, but not for se...